Salvestrol Cream
/In February 2013 an area on my face that had been crusting over and then turning light brown in colour did something a bit nasty. The area initially began to tingle and itch and within a week it had doubled in size getting quite angry and red. Picture below. I had a sense it wasn't normal and took myself off to see my GP.
Unfortunately my usual doctor was on holiday but the Doctor standing in was a skin specialist, so I figured I was in good hands! After a very quick consultation with the doctor he agreed something was indeed going on but assured me that he thought it was nothing serious but recommended I saw a dermatologist. My intuition was saying "Don't wait, don't leave it, go get another opinion." especially given how quickly it seemed to be growing. I promptly went home rang a few colleagues and booked myself an appointment with a Naturopathic doctor.
Fortunately I discovered an amazing local Naturopath who'd trained as a medical doctor. After a very thorough examination and consultation she agreed my skin was behaving abnormally and recommended a complete diet change. My new diet being 60 to 80% organic vegetable based and mostly raw, no processed foods, no refined sugar a whole host of natural suppliments, probiotics and the application of Salvestrols several times a day.
Salvestrol Cream
This is is the area prior to Salvestrol treatment in February 2013.
This was week two of diet change and after multiple daily applications of the cream.
This was week four!
I found this brief description of what Salvestrols are and how they may effect cancer cells which I thought might help.