Psoriasis Scalp Treatment
/Originally published: Feb 11 2015.
I developed psoriasis in my mid twenties not long after the birth of my second daughter. Although not life threatening, the combination of swollen joints (Psoriatic arthritis) and red, weepy, flaky and often very sore skin left me feeling incredibly depressed. It’s also worth mentioning that my digestive system was also struggling. I was in a bit of a pickle to be honesty and sadly Allopathic medicine really couldn’t offer me very much in the way of treatment. Within months my whole scalp, ears, forehead and probably 10 to 15% of my body were covered in psoriasis lesions. I had arthritis in my hands and knees and was feeling very sorry for myself. The creams the GP suggested had no effect what so ever and the shampoos only seemed to make my scalp worse. I needed help!
Someone suggested I contact a lady in Exeter called Sheila Tozer, a Chinese herbalist and acupuncturist. She was amazing! I did everything she suggested and more I gave up all refined foods especially sugar, wheat and replaced cows milk with goats and I started exercising. Sheila administered herbs which supported my liver and gave me monthly acupuncture sessions the combination of which made a noticeable difference to my condition. Within 18 months I was able to stop the monthly sessions as my body was almost completely free of any psoriasis.
I’m not cured but I know I have the tools to manage my condition without taking any prescribed medication. I try to keep my diet healthy I exercise regularly and I practise yoga and meditation to manage my stress levels. So for the best part I am free form psoriasis the only area I really can struggle with managing is my scalp and that is why I wanted to share this very easy and for me effective method of soothing and reducing the plaque build up on my head.
Firstly I massage 10 mls of Spiezia Head and Hair oil into my scalp. This normally takes me 10 mins as I like to give my scalp a good massage. I then wrap my head in a cotton scarf and leave the oil in my hair over night. In the morning I wash my hair with shampoo (Faith in Nature) followed by a rinse of apple cider vinegar (organic with mother) 10 mls in about a litre of warm water. I always dry my hair with a dryer as my psoriasis seems to be worse if left moist. My scalp can benefit from this simple procedure for up to a month. Please note you could substitute the Spiezia oil for coconut oil or almond oil but I personally prefer the results of the Head in Hair oil.
I have plenty of Head and Hair oil in stock or alternatively contact Spiezia for your nearest stockist. I purchased RAW cider vinegar from my local health food shop where I also was able buy a gentler shampoo. Spiezia are in the process of launching an organic ph neutral shampoo and conditioner which I will be trialling over the next few weeks. I will keep you posted!
Sharing is caring so please share away! And please keep me posted on your results!
Rebranded product 2016
#Spiezia Head & Hair Oil